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Let Pilates move you. Align. Strengthen. Rebalance. Revitalize.

Pilates is a practice of whole-body movement, fueled by your mind and body working together. With each session, you will experience more ease and more power in your movements. Expect to feel muscles you never felt before. Are you ready to feel better, move better, and reach new potential in strength, balance, and mobility with the Pilates Method?
Whether you are experiencing pain, have even a bit of fear or anxiety about starting a movement program, or are super ready to begin this journey, I can help you get strong, move beyond your movement blocks and empower you to move through life with grace, balance, and stamina.
Pilates changes the whole body. Here are a few of the benefits you will experience.
  • A stronger and more flexible core, – yes that’s abdominals, back, and hips?
  • Better mobility and joint strength, not strain. Participate in life or sports at a higher function.
  • Better balance and coordination. Feel more confident in your body.
  • Improve your spinal health and posture.
  • Movement efficiency. Responsive and resilient muscles.
  • Reach a new level of physical fitness and well-being, no matter your age.
And you don’t need to be more flexible or fit before you start. Our programs incorporate body awareness and neuromuscular reeducation that will accelerate change in your body. If you want to feel differently, you have to do differently. So, let’s do this together, Move, learn, repeat!


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Exercise is ESSENTIAL to our health and well-being. It is time to become more proactive in maintaining a strong immune and respiratory system! Joe Pilates wrote: “…the complete exhalation and inhalation of air stimulate all muscles into greater activity. Soon the entire body is abundantly charged with fresh Oxygen…
We continue to provide a hygienic studio with equipment and air-cleaning practices in place for your continued health and safety.


Contrology is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace and skill that will unmistakably be reflected in the way you walk, in the way you play, and the way you work.” – Joseph Pilates.


Regardless of your age, fitness level or athletic ability, Joseph Pilates’ unique training regimen develops the body uniformly and coordinates movement from your body’s center -creating more graceful, efficient movement and improved health.

“If your spine is stiff at 30, you are old. If it is flexible at 60, you are young.” Joseph H. Pilates

Yamuna Body Rolling provides you with self- massage tools that improve muscle tone and mobility, that you can use to work on yourself any time, anywhere.

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”― B.K.S. Iyengar


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“ Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things.” Joseph H. Pilates

